Just Commit To 15 Minutes A Day For Big Results

Small Commitments For Big Results

As a follow up to my recent post on imitating and then innovating, I wanted to share another trick I came up with for developing new skills and knowledge, as well as staying productive and consistent in any pursuit.

For anyone who has mastered a skill such as playing an instrument or writing (among many other endeavors such as developing physical strength or learning a martial art), they know that it’s always a marathon and not a sprint to achieve results.  It takes years, not weeks or months.

It’s common for people to want to get results and become great at something overnight.  But it doesn’t work that way.

It takes diligence, repetition, and commitment over the long term.  But the commitment doesn’t have to be eighteen hours a day, every day.  Consistency often goes further than Herculean efforts.

So lately when I’ve been writing, I’ve simply been committing to fifteen minutes a day.  I can always fit that in no matter what.  And it’s minimal enough that it’s a very easy commitment to stick to.

This is important because setting unrealistic goals is one of the biggest reasons people quit a pursuit.  They make a decision to bite off more than they can chew and quickly get burned out.  They aren’t patient enough to let small incremental results build up over time.

Some Days Are More Productive Than Others

The reality with creative pursuits, acquiring new knowledge, strength training, etc., is that human beings aren’t always “on”.  It’s unrealistic to expect oneself to be 100% every day.  Some days ideas and words flow, some days they don’t.  Some days a musician’s playing is effortless and flawless, some days they miss more notes than usual and feel frustrated.  Today a certain weight might feel easy to lift, while tomorrow it feels twice as heavy.  There will also naturally be some days when a person just doesn’t feel like doing anything in general.

All that said, it’s still important to remain diligent and practice/train/study regularly to stay on an upward trajectory.  At the same time it’s important to maintain enthusiasm.  So it’s not advisable to plow ahead endlessly when things aren’t clicking.

On the days when it’s evident that I’m not going to make huge strides forward, it’s still beneficial to do a little work.  And it doesn’t take very much to keep the wheels greased so to speak.

By doing at least a little bit every day, I avoid slipping into a rut where a couple of weeks pass by, I haven’t done anything, and I’m super rusty when I get back to it.

I only ever insist that I put in fifteen minutes.  I can knock that out while eating breakfast.  But if I’m feeling great, having fun, and ideas are coming to me easily, fifteen minutes can easily turn into several hours or even most of a day.  The small commitment is all that’s necessary to find out if I’m ready to put in a larger effort that day.

Even if I only put in a quarter hour I still got something done.  A little bit every day adds up.  Fifteen minutes a day becomes over ninety hours in a year.  That isn’t a huge amount of work overall, but it’s far from nothing.  And as mentioned previously it maintains overall momentum.  Add in the numerous longer and more productive days when things are going well and the time and effort really adds up.

Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day

When picking up a new pursuit, keep in mind that it takes time.  Some days will be better and more productive than others.  It’s literally impossible to become Jimi Hendrix overnight.  It takes many years.  So on days when something feels like a struggle, just do a little work and stop.  You’ll avoid frustration, be more likely to stick with it, and numerous small efforts turn into big results over time.




Dealing With Perfectionist Tendencies

I Can Be a Perfectionist

I have perfectionist tendencies.  I expect a lot of myself.  And when I make mistakes or otherwise fail to live up to my own expectations it drives me crazy.

The other day my boss found some formula errors in a spreadsheet I had updated.  I know he understands these things happen and he didn’t address me negatively in any way.  He just asked if I could make some corrections because he was looking to use my file for some financial info he was compiling.  No big deal.

But my inner critic and ego went to work internally on my psyche which causes some stress and negative emotion.

To be honest, I don’t react in this scenario nearly as hard as I used to.  I’ve lived long enough to know that  these things happen and they pass.  As they say, no use crying over spilled milk.  What’s done is done.  Fix it and move on.

But I still have to watch my mind for a few hours to ensure it doesn’t spiral too far in the wrong direction.  After all, there are ramifications to negative thoughts.

Negative Reactions Can Lead to More Mistakes

From a practical standpoint, negative thoughts and being hard on oneself uses up precious energy in a foolish way and simply takes away from the mindset and energy necessary to do the best work possible.  That can result in more sloppiness and mistakes which creates a cycle.

From a more metaphysical standpoint, what you put out is what you get back.  Assuming thoughts manifest, why put self-defeating thoughts out into the ether?  Even if that’s nonsense, the more practical and logical reasons not to engage in negative self talk are compelling enough.  So just don’t go there.

Also, fear of mistakes holds us back from pushing and asserting ourselves.  It’s better to take some risks, put oneself on the line, and make mistakes along the way, than it is to stay in the zone of lukewarm cushiness just to avoid potential failures.

Mistakes are part of learning and evolving, and often teach us more than successes.  Embrace that part of the process.

How To Deal With a Mistake

If you screw something up and feel the onslaught of the ego coming, trying to tell you that you don’t measure up, there are ways to handle it consctuctively.

First, step back from your thoughts.  Watch them as if you are watching somebody else’s thoughts.  When you simply observe your thought processes in action from a detached standpoint, you’ll see that they are patterns of learned behavior and aren’t truly real.  If you can master this practice you’ll notice that thoughts have less impact on your mood and they fade away more quickly.

It’s also helpful to think about other times when something similar happened.  That reference point is a reminder that last time this happened, it passed and you eventually forgot about it.

And finally…

Remember That Everyone Makes Mistakes

In a turn of fortune, I discovered some mistakes in my boss’s spreadsheet a couple of days later.  It really put me at ease to be reminded that everyone makes mistakes.  We’re human.  It’s simply part of the human condition to inevitably make some mistakes.  Nothing can be done about that.  Through thoughtfulness, diligence, and putting checks in place, we can minimize the number of things that go awry.  And that’s something worth shooting for.  But getting stressed and ruining days over something that’s just going to happen from time to time makes no sense.

So stop beating yourself up, keep an objective eye on your thoughts, know it will all pass in time, and maybe even laugh at yourself.  It’s going to be okay.

Unnecessary to Prepare for The Worst Mentally

Why It’s Unnecessary to Prepare The Mind for The Worst

It has been said that we should hope for the best and prepare for the worst.  But is this advice really useful?  Anyone who has been alive on this planet for an appreciable amount of time knows that things don’t always turn out as planned.  And perhaps it’s prudent to have a backup plan in certain scenarios where not having one could result in a true catastrophe or injury of some sort.  But constantly considering all that might go wrong in a given situation just to prevent a let down or disappointment is counter-productive.  It’s unnecessary to prepare for the worst mentally.

Despite my own share of synchronicity in life, I don’t necessarily believe in manifestation as some sort of magical occurrence so much as a mindset that is more likely to result in positive action towards creating the results I want.  I’m not content to sit back, imagine what I want, and wait for things to happen for me.  Because it has also been said that fortune favors the bold, and on some level synchronicity happens more frequently from taking action more often.

And since I believe in taking action, I also believe in taking steps towards making the best happen, not just hoping for it to happen.  And I certainly don’t see any point in preparing for the worst.  Especially mentally.  Again, it’s always good to have a spare tire in the trunk, but why waste energy thinking about popping a flat while flying down the highway?  We’ll react accordingly if that happens whether we’ve thought about it or not.  The intelligence of the body and nervous system act more quickly than the mind in an emergency anyhow.  And not thinking about it saves pointless stress.  Negative thoughts also come across in our body language and the way we present ourselves.  That can potentially sabotage our outcomes and efforts, especially when dealing with other humans who pick up on these things.

Positive and productive action happens seamlessly when approached from a positive and confident mindset.  Imagining all that could go wrong is self-defeating and creates doubt.  Doubt drains energy.  Thoughts about great results build energy and excitement.  Worry destroys a productive mindset and the focus necessary to accomplish great things.  Excitement creates a mindset of accomplishment and success.  Choose thoughts of victory.  Crush thoughts of defeat.  Or even better, see them for what they are, acknowledge they aren’t real, and let them fade away.  Realize that mindset is a choice, and place emphasis on the right thoughts.  There is no excuse to wallow in anything negative.

And let’s just say thoughts really do manifest magically.  Having any thoughts about the worst…is the worst way for a person to spend their mental energy.  And what a ridiculous way to bring about poor results.

If the worst does ultimately happen, so be it.  That’s life.  Move on to the next thing and continue to only think about the best.  That’s all for now.

I Hate The Corporate World, but…

Pros in Addition to Cons

I’ve worked the 9-5 grind for over a decade now.  And I generally dislike it.  I’m trying to find my path out.  But I think it’s unfair to knock it without acknowledging some of the really good lessons to be learned from the corporate world.

In no particular order, here are some of the benefits of spending some time in corporate America.

Being Around High Achievers Every Day

I work in the FP&A group at my office.  Basically corporate finance.  I straddle the fence between right brain and left brain, but my coworkers are all Type A, left brain ass kickers.  They all went to good schools and they are all ridiculously smart.  I struggle to fit in sometimes because I’m a bit more of a daydreamer at times.  And that mindset has certain advantages.

But these people force me to raise my game.  There are days where they humble me with their capabilities.  I’m truly amazed by the unusual knack for organizing and presenting information.  The attention to detail and concentration.  The ability to see patterns.  And the desire to succeed.  The only way to avoid feeling inadequate is to work my ass off.  And I’m glad to have been pushed to do so.  I’ll take that with me in everything I do the rest of my life.

I also have the good fortune of working in a company that is big enough and interesting enough to attract really exceptional people.  It’s also small enough that I get to interact with them all on a regular basis.  I’m constantly engaging with the C-level people in the company, and it’s great to be around those kinds of minds.  I get to see how they think and pick up on their wisdom, experience, and excitement every day.  It’s invaluable.

Exposure to Underhanded Human Nature and Political Posturing

Many of the people I work with are also a bit Machiavellian.  Some people are born to strive for Alpha status, and they strive with everything they’ve got.  They ruthlessly go after what they want every day.

Personally, I’d rather ride off into the sunset and chase freedom over power and status.  But in this world it never hurts to learn to spot the underhanded side of human nature.  And the corporate world is one place to watch it in action and develop a filter for it.

I once had a great idea for our business and told a co-worker.  I mentioned the idea to him because he was heavily involved in business development at the time.

A few minutes later he went into the COO’s office and closed the door behind him.  After he reemerged he told me he shared my idea with the COO and “had been sure to give me all of the credit”.

I’ll never know what was actually said behind closed doors.  But I have my doubts that he didn’t just take credit for the idea himself.  After all, the COO never struck up any conversations with me about.  Yet it became an initiative he decided to pursue.  I didn’t feel strongly enough to go ask the COO directly about what he was told.  But in some larger group meetings I was sure to casually mention how I’d told my idea to the co-worker.  Eventually it became known that this was something I’d come up with.

Regardless of what happened it was a reminder that people can be sneaky and dishonest.

Now when I have an idea I go straight to the CEO or COO.  That way I ensure that they see I have good, creative ideas, and that I get the credit.

It’s beneficial to have experiences that make me wiser, even if some of what goes on feels a bit slimy.

Much of What I’m Learning Will Be Beneficial as an Entrepreneur

Ultimately I want to work for myself.  And I will be positioned to manage myself effectively because of all I’ve learned and witnessed in the corporate world.

In the corporate world, business owners are highly intelligent people who are heavily invested.  They demand accurate reporting and information to allow them to make good decisions about the direction of the company.  And they are looking to maximize the return on their investment.

Nothing is haphazard.  Budgets are set as a plan to make the company grow and return a profit.  Without profit, there is no point to running a business.  And managing a large enterprise towards profitability requires rigor and discipline.

And even if one is disciplined, without the proper skill set it’s easy to mismanage or misrepresent the profitability and liquidity of a business.  With the good foundation I now have in proper accounting, reporting, analysis, modeling, and cash forecasting, I’m set up to manage my own affairs far more effectively.

I’ve seen many small business owners with a good idea fail or simply tread water due to the lack of rigor around the back end of their affairs.  They’re terrible at managing their cash.  And they really have no idea how well they’re performing at any given time.  The real world examples I’ve seen were often artists who didn’t want to bothered with the “boring” side of business.  And on some level that’s because they didn’t even know where to start and were intimidated by it.

Being able to apply these skills to any enterprise is a huge advantage for an entrepreneur in any field.

Managing Through Hard Times and Taking Advantage of Good Times

The company I work for has weathered a number of ups and downs during my tenure.  And that has required some hard pragmatism and difficult decisions.  It has also required the knowledge and intuition to know how strike when times are good and the business is thriving.

One CEO I worked under was a long time industry veteran, and also a very smart businessman in general.  When he took the helm, the company was pursuing several different lines of business.  That included real estate development in 2008 when the real estate market crashed.  And the company was suffocating under a massive debt obligation that accrued interest at a staggering rate.

He first identified which line of business he thought we were positioned to thrive in and that would provide the most value.  All other lines of business were discontinued to allow for singular focus on one core area.  And that required some very tough decisions.  But better to cause some temporary pain than see the whole enterprise fail.

He also looked at the portfolio and identified under-performing assets within the core line of business that could be sold to pay down debt and avoid a takeover by our lenders.

With these two actions the company avoided the cliff it was headed towards.

And now the company can easily cover it’s debt payments with plenty of cash from operations left over.  We have a new CEO, and he has identified opportunities to drive incremental business.  He is investing more capital in the company’s assets, and more money in high achieving employees with great ideas.  In doing so he can increase revenue and value while conditions are favorable and establish a larger base of loyal customers with a more intriguing product.

The real moral of the story here is that a company has to be actively managed.  If a person sits back and assumes their company will automatically perform well, they may be setting themselves up to fail when times get hard.  And conversely they’ll miss the opportunity to increase their profits when times are good.

I’m grateful that I’ve seen competent leaders at work through both ends of that spectrum.  The lessons were very beneficial and educational.


So while it’s popular to bash the wage slavery of the corporate world, I like to at least acknowledge that I’ve been paid to learn many valuable lessons while working in it.  I can move on to the world of self employment with confidence that I’ll be able to objectively assess and define my success.  And that is very powerful.

If you’re feeling stuck in the corporate world, and are trying to make moves to leave it, I applaud you.  In the meantime, it can feel a lot more palatable if a focus is placed on the many benefits that can be derived from the time spent there.