The Ultimate Cure For Depression And Apathy
I’m often thankful that my health stuttered a bit at a young age. It’s what set my pursuit of health discovery in motion. Well before any true sickness had a chance to take hold and I still had a long runway to course correct. In a culture where the quest for true health is clouded with misinformation, it’s often necessary to use trial and error to find the correct approach to health and healing. To search, experiment, and use common sense until we find what works for us. Whether it’s diet, strength, fitness, healing illness, mentality, spirituality. It’s hard work, so this search is often started out of necessity and adversity. Some circumstance of event that wakes one up and provides a bit of a slap in the face. After all, if one is feeling fine they aren’t likely to question what they’ve been doing. As a person finds methods of healing and optimizing that work for them, they start to see improvements. It’s addicting to feel and look better every day. Those who have experienced this upward progression understand the way it can hook a person. Suddenly they have a passion that drives them every day. No matter what else is happening in life. And unlike addictions that are destructive, it is quite possibly the most constructive addiction there is. In my experience this makes it the ultimate cure for depression and apathy.
This is how I’ve been living for about five years now. Highly dedicated to feeling the best I can possibly feel. Which eventually morphed into a dedication to seeing what I’m truly capable of mentally and physically as well. Seeking out the limits of my potential so I can be as successful as possible in life. Through a foundation of health optimization focusing on diet, sleep, training, consuming empowering information and entertainment, etc. And nothing else takes precedence over this because this makes every other aspect of life better.
It’s A Daily Mission

I wake up every day looking forward to my journey. To gaining a bit more of an edge. I literally can’t wait to see how I’m going to feel and function that day. And that excitement helps me get through every roadblock I’ve dealt with the past few years. Not only does improved nutrition make the body and mind more resilient and more at ease. But having a daily mission based around self love is something that helps overcome any loss, stress, or adversity. Today might feel shitty for whatever reason, but tomorrow is another day to become stronger and thrive. When it feels like there isn’t much else to live for or look forward to, this is always there to keep a person moving onward and upward.
And that makes it a lot easier to simply get some sleep tonight at the very least. Instead of reaching for substances to clear the mind. It puts me at ease to know that I’m consistently nourishing myself deeply. Making the most of the gifts I’ve been blessed with. And knowing that I’ve come to possess the knowledge of how to do so through hard work and determination fills me with gratitude. It creates a distinct mental edge. It gives me something to shoot towards in the midst of anything unpleasant. And for me this has been the ultimate cure for depression.
Taking On The Causes Of Depression
In my own experience, depression has a couple of root causes. One is physical health imbalances. Since our brains and guts are physical structures that react to physical inputs. The other is feeling a lack of purpose and direction. Being out of touch with one’s own sense of power. I’m not suggesting these are the only causes, but these are the causes I’ve dealt with.
Outside circumstances can then trigger the blues very easily if one isn’t set up for resiliency. Negative emotions can also creep in for no reason at all when the biochemistry is broken.
However, any proper form of self betterment tackles these issues directly. By finding the best ways to nourish our bodies and minds down to the core. And by having a goal of being better today than yesterday. Even when life feels like it’s spinning out of control, this is something that is always within one’s direct influence. Even when a person is on hard times they can decide what they will and won’t consume. Beef and butter only cost a few dollars the same as junk food. And it doesn’t cost a penny to go down to the park and do some pushups and pullups. This knowledge is like an anchor in stormy seas. At least it has been for me. And knowing that lever is always within reach keeps a person in touch with the source of their personal power. The personal power that comes from actively and consciously making executive decisions for oneself. It builds a mindset that doesn’t wait for and rely on outside luck and forces to change life for the better. It’s proactive.
The Power Of Simplicity
It sounds very simple, but the simple things are often the most effective. Occam’s razor wins again. Find a few ways to get stronger every day. Then pursue them tenaciously and diligently. It’s amazing how effective this can be for keeping the mind and the spirit strong. For me, it’s the ultimate cure for depression. And it prevents apathy in all areas of life by consistently building will power and a sense of direct control.