Whatever Happened to Doing Nothing?
We live in a YOLO and FOMO culture these days. You only live once, and it results in a fear of missing out. It makes one feel like they have to be in motion constantly. Don’t want to miss any fabulous selfie or social media opportunities. But sometimes it’s good to do nothing. It’s healthy. Boredom can inspire creativity and new ideas. And we’re mortal creatures that have to conserve energy from time to time. Conserved energy allows one to engage in life with more vigor.
And even when we stay home to relax, it’s easy to be constantly distracted by social media, Netflix shows, or video games. Simply sitting out on the back step and listening to the sounds of the city or nature can seem pretty boring in comparison. But it’s good to do so from time to time. Just watch the clouds pass overhead. Pay attention to the warmth of the sun. It helps reset our dopamine systems that are overstimulated much of the time by constant entertainment and information. It develops patience, allows for honest reflection, and builds a certain kind of mental fortitude.
For much of our evolution, we were busy with taking care of procuring food and water, building and maintaining shelter, and staying safe from the dangers of the world. But it wasn’t on a 9-5 schedule. So when we were done with these activities, we had down time. And we didn’t have flat screen TV’s. when it got dark at night, we didn’t turn on a bunch of lights and stay up late. Being still and quiet, yet alert, was likely a large part of our development as a species.
Relishing Boredom
Whenever I’m having an unusually mellow Saturday afternoon, it’s common for me to feel a bit of anxious energy bubble up if I’m not being productive in some way. I’m conditioned to feel like I’m wasting my precious moments if I’m not creating something, learning something, getting ahead.
But I’ve learned that there is power in turning off my phone, shutting down the laptop, and just sitting quietly. Perhaps even meditating. Being alone with our own thoughts can be a bit frightening at times. We’re all probably a little bit nuts in some ways. But it’s also the best way to see thoughts for what they are, learn to be at ease with them, and guide them in a more constructive way. It’s a chance to visualize what we want in life as well.
And with regards to productivity, one of my most financially successful friends is a master at being bored. As he says, “that’s where the magic happens”. And he’s right. To be able to let inspiration and ideas in, sometimes it’s necessary to shut off the noise and just be bored for a bit. He’s proof that a person can make millions of dollars without staying unnecessarily busy 24/7. He relishes the inevitable boredom instead of letting it make him fidgety.
Be Bored On Purpose
Take some time on a regular basis to be bored on purpose. It doesn’t have to be for hours on end, just for a little while. Or at least settle in for a bit when boredom pops up on its own. Don’t fight it. And trust that it isn’t wasting time. It’s an art form, especially in this day in age. Just sit still and smile and it will differentiate you in a small way. Think about your life and let your imagination take you for a ride. You’ll be healthier and happier for it.