Every action is a choice. We can choose to sit on the couch and eat Cheetos or go to the gym and eat meat and vegetables. We can choose to masturbate or go ask a stranger out on a date. And we can mindlessly surf the internet or cable TV, or we can work on a project that requires our attention and effort, or take care of something we’ve been putting off.
And each choice contributes to who we are mentally and physically. Over time the choices add up. The more we choose the destructive or easy path, the more we destruct or become inclined to choose to do what’s easy instead of doing the more difficult or unpleasant things that actually move us forward. The more we choose to be productive instead, the more we achieve over time and the more momentum we gain to continue doing and accomplishing difficult things.
There’s nothing wrong with occasional indulgences and lazy days. And they can even be healthy in their own way.
But I know from experience that while choosing the more destructive or lazy impulse is easier and perhaps more fun, it ultimately leaves me feeling depressed. Every time. I literally feel like the frequency of my vibration gets diminished.
Vicious Cycles
The problem with choosing actions that lower one’s vibration, is that lower vibrations and a depressed mood promote an even stronger desire to seek more fleeting pleasure. We begin looking for temporary distractions from the low mood.
If we choose to binge drink, the likely outcomes might be making poor food choices, staying up until the wee hours, and waking up hungover.
Connecting with old friends you haven’t seen in a while? Sure, go ahead and let loose. I’m not suggesting anyone should be a puritan.
But if this becomes a choice several times a week, year round, that means a lot of days of waking up feeling like shit. And what do people do when they feel like shit? They might eat unhealthy food, watch TV with the shades drawn, sleep during the productive part of the day, and very likely drink more the next evening to try and feel a little better.
And if someone chooses to self stimulate at home, they aren’t going out into the world and trying to find a sexual partner which would be a far more positive way of finding pleasure. If a man just resists playing with himself he’ll eventually get used to not requiring constant release. And he’ll feel more aggressive and assertive which he’ll ultimately prefer. Then he’ll be more likely to go into the world and find a female partner. It’s clear which choice will lead toward becoming a more fulfilled person in the long run.
When Life Dishes Out Tough Times
It’s worth acknowledging that the desire to numb the mind with substances, avoid reality by partying every night, or hide out with a tub of Ben & Jerry’s and the shades drawn, is sometimes driven by circumstances outside of our control. Life can be unkind at times. People lose loved ones and jobs, have fights with friends and family, or get sick. It doesn’t seem fair.
But these are the most opportune times to build character through sublimation. There is always something constructive that can be done during hard times. And choosing to do difficult things you’d rather not do while carrying the heavy weight of life will build immense willpower.
Yes, life hurts like hell sometimes. But instead of killing a bottle of Jameson you might consider doing some brutally hard exercise instead. I guarantee it will make you feel good. Yes, it’s a fleeting high in its own right. But the difference is that it’ll leave you feeling good after the fact as well. And you’ll be stronger and healthier.
The point isn’t to make light of life’s terrible times. But to bring awareness to the fact that these are times when we can build exceptional spiritual strength and resilience if we look at it differently.
Better Alternatives
Next time you’re feeling a desire to do something that you know isn’t going to make you feel better or stronger, find a better alternative. If you can’t think of anything in particular, just look around for something you’ve been putting off. You can even just clean up around the house or mow the lawn. It doesn’t require a huge, monumental project to shift one’s energy from unproductive to productive. That said, maybe you’re starting a blog, learning an instrument, trying to improve your back squat, or studying for a test of some sort. If so, those are great uses of energy that will cultivate a positive feeling of forward motion.
Whatever you decide to do, just pay attention to how it makes you feel. If it leaves you feeling negative, doubtful, depressed, or unsure in any way, stop doing it. If it makes you feel alive, healthy, closer to your difficult goals, or happy, do it more. Again, it’s easier said than done. But well worth the effort to turn destructive impulses into productivity.
I just made a huge life change. And it’s the reason I haven’t written much lately. I decided to sell my house on the edge of the Rocky Mountains and move to Florida. Not because I wanted to leave my home. But because I saw more opportunity to set myself up for the future in Florida. And perhaps in time live in both places. After all, it’s pretty nice here being in the sunshine and saltwater every day! I was also existing in a pattern of familiarity and ease before this move that wasn’t conducive to personal growth. So the idea of a new challenge was very appealing.
That’s not the real point of this post. But the fact that moving was advantageous for my present and future lives required me to venture into the unknown in more ways than one. I’ve been to this area before plenty of times. And I have family ties here on some level as well. But at the same time I’m a bit of a stranger in a strange land. And it’s going to take some time and effort to turn this into a new home base. I’ll have to be patient. I’ll have to deal with loneliness. And most of all I’ll have to let go of my old life and patterns to some extent to allow space for new things in life to unfold.
For instance, I’ll have to make new connections, friendships, and relationships.
I’ll also develop new passions, ideas and activities to pursue. And find new ways and venues to pursue current passions.
Learning to LET these things happen on some level is a bit of an art I’ll have to nurture.
Some Action Is Still Required
In addition to allowing space, some of these things will require me to take action. To go out into the world.
Florida isn’t known for surfing, but there is surf to be had. Especially for someone who comes from the high desert and just wants to get out on a board more regularly. So surf I will. And perhaps I’ll be able to meet some people to go surfing with.
After years of working out by myself in my garage gym, I have also started going to high intensity interval conditioning workouts at a local strength-based gym. I plan to set up my home gym down here as well since it saves money. But holy shit it’s fun to to go do an hour long torture session with others to be pushed by a little competition! And in time I’ll get to know others who show up regularly for these sessions. For that hour, I’m immersed in a tribe of like minded individuals. Most of whom likely wouldn’t look at me strangely if I mentioned that I eat a low carb, high fat diet.
I might also show up for group bike rides I’ve seen. On my fixed gear track bike and be the odd man out who doesn’t need gears or brakes (or spandex). Should be a good conversation starter.
And I’ll also plan to do some running on the beach which I love. Even if it’s more solitary. But the solitary can also be a way to clear the mind and allow space for new things in life.
The Art Of Allowing
Clearly there is an element of going out in to the world and taking action to start making a life for myself here. But I also have to focus on “allowing” which is a bit more metaphysical in nature. And it can be a struggle for me as someone who likes to be assertive. But it’s something I have to cultivate.
What exactly do I mean? Well, if I immerse myself in constant thoughts of my imposed temporary isolation and being far from home, I’m not keeping my mind and energy open to all of the possibilities here. It takes time to get established in a new place. So I have to remain patient and keep an open mind toward allowing ideas, people, places, and activities to enter my existence and experience.
And if I’m constantly forcing things to happen through action I’m not providing an open space for life to place ideas, people, and places into my existence. Sometimes there is benefit to stepping back a bit as well. It can also help with avoiding frustration to keep a laid back, whatever will be will be attitude.
I have to watch the sensations and thoughts that bubble up from my subconscious as I face down the unknown. My conscious mind has to observe them. And see them for what they are without judgement so it can dissolve any that don’t help and foster those that do. This leaves space for new and better thoughts and experiences to replace anything that might have been holding me back.
Ways To Dissolve The Fear Of The Unknown
While it’s important to avoid constant action and trying to force life to happen, there are some indirect actions one can use for the purpose of creating more space to allow.
One of the struggles I’m facing on my current adventure is loneliness. I don’t know too many people in this new area yet. I know that will come with time, but for now I’ve found a companion that keeps my mind at ease. And that companion is mother nature. When I’m on the beach, in the water, and feeling the warmth of the sun, I feel less lonely. I can’t say the same for sitting in traffic, or consuming electronic media and entertainment. So I make it a priority to commune with nature every day.
It’s also very powerful to reframe thoughts and situations. I could tell myself I’m going to be in this new place forever, and I better figure out every new aspect of life here ASAP. On the other hand, I can tell myself that I’m only committing to a year and will see what unfolds. By committing to a year, I give myself some real time to let life unfold, and experience this place and its weather through the entire cycle of a year. But more importantly it gives me the option to leave in time if I decide it isn’t the right place. I can deal with anything for a year. That puts my mind at ease and allows me to feel less urgency. Less urgency means I can focus on leaving some space to allow.
In the context of my one year commitment, I am also focusing on this as an opportunity to work on myself. One reason I chose this area is the access to nature, natural Vitamin D from the sun, and many ways to stay physically connected to the energy of the earth. It’s easy to find healthy food here and people are relatively active. So it’s a place to continue my healthy way of living and my training. I am looking at this adventure as an opportunity to get stronger in a lot of ways, some of which are new and fun. I plan to transform over the next year. And that goal of working on myself always keeps my mind quiet and allows me an outlet any time my mind starts to get away from me. It keeps me anchored in uncharted waters and it’s a common thread in my life no matter where I am. It’s a lot better than drinking away doubts and fears that may creep up.
I also plan to find ways to immerse myself in athletic competition. The competition of the work world has its place too, but it’s catty and political. Athletic competition is pure. Objectives are clear and success is easily defined. It also builds more camaraderie. Especially with men. When I was younger I always noticed that friendships sometimes came out of fist fights. It’s odd but true! And there are very few things that clear my mind as effectively as testing myself against others. So I’ll continue to do the HIIT workouts mentioned above because it involves friendly competition. Perhaps I’ll finally get back to jiu jitsu, or pick up Muay Thai. And who knows, maybe I’ll start working on my jump shot again and play some basketball.
So while these ways of changing my mindset and well being for the better aren’t necessarily “allowing” in and of themselves, they are ways to set my mind up to better allow for the possibilities out there.
Counterproductive States Of Mind
In addition to things one can do to create space for allowing, there are also states of mind that will block our flow in the world. That will cloud our minds and prevent us from letting in things that benefit us. They can also prevent us from seeing what is right in front of our faces.
The two that are the most destructive in my experience are frustration and jealousy. One might argue that anger could make this list as well, but in my mind anger is sometimes justified, and is a much more pure emotion that can actually be beneficial sometimes. Compared to justified anger, frustration and jealousy are extremely juvenile, petty states of mind. Broadcasting these feelings pushes the good people and things in life away from us.
And they are easy to get over with simple mindset shifts. Generally speaking, if we’re frustrated or jealous about something, all it takes to move on is to think about all we have to be grateful for and what we can do to improve whatever situation is causing those feelings. A bit of simple perspective, action, and mental re-framing.
Many times, frustration and jealousy are easy to come by for people who are prone to asserting themselves in the world. We go after something, and if it doesn’t come easily we get frustrated. Or we see others who already have what we’re going after and become jealous. Just remember that taking action can require many failures before having success. Learn to embrace the failures and the lessons they teach. But also remember that taking a step back and allowing instead of asserting can be a great way to reduce frustration.
Once these toxic states of mind are shed, we become antennas for things that are more beneficial to us.
Final Thoughts
In life there is a balance between asserting ourselves in the world, and creating a void to allow space for new things to unfold. And these approaches aren’t mutually exclusive. Sometimes certain indirect actions can clear the mind, improve biochemistry and mindset, and clear noise that holds us back. The resulting positive energy lets in good thoughts and clears space. So even while taking action, always keep the concept of allowing front of mind. The combination of action and allowing can open one up to the greatest possibilities for an interesting and abundant life.
I’ve written before about my love/hate relationship with the corporate world. And another aspect of my time in that world came to light the other day while talking to an acquaintance who works in sales for a living. I’d thought about this previously, but it was a reminder that there are certain ways of making a living that nurture the killer instinct much more than the corporate finance work I do. When someone’s financial success is more directly tied to their daily level of effort, they have a reason to give a lot more effort.
My job is cerebral and mentally challenging. There are lots of puzzles to figure out and problems to solve. That makes it fulfilling in many ways. But it’s also based around reporting numbers and results driven by others. Or hypothesizing about the numbers that might result from certain decisions or actions. It’s necessary work for managing a large enterprise. We live in a world where money is a medium for trading. Somebody has to keep track of it. And thoughtful analysis helps an enterprise become more profitable which is great for all involved.
However, it often feels unrewarding. My pay is more or less the same regardless of how hard I work or how efficient I become at my role. I’m not that highly incentivized to put in extra effort. Sure, if I do a great job and show great enthusiasm I might get a promotion or a pay raise. But I’m ultimately just making someone else richer. Talking to a salesman was a reminder that someone who makes sales for a living has reason to feel motivation every day. Generally speaking there is no limit to the commissions they can earn. If they hustle more, they earn more.
Of course, if they don’t make sales they earn a lot less. But still, they have an intrinsic motivation built into their job. There isn’t any room for apathy or boredom. They are the masters of their own destinies in a more direct way.
This is more in line with the way ancient man would experience success. They literally ate what they killed. They had to hunt or they starved. And their hunting success connected them to that which kept them alive in a meaningful way.
That being the case, I think there is something to say for jobs such as sales from a personal and biological satisfaction standpoint. It’s more than the money even though the money can be great. These forms of making a living nurture the killer instinct a bit more. And that instinct is part of our DNA.
This is all applicable to entrepreneurial pursuits as well. Maybe even more so. Not to mention day traders, venture capitalists, and anyone else who proactively uses their own will to put food on the table. Anyone who isn’t idly punching the clock.
The Act Of Creation As Modern Hunting
Most sales people are selling something that somebody else created. While going out into the world and making the sale can nurture the killer instinct, there is an even greater element of the hunt in coming up with ideas to sell in the first place. Having the ability to see what might add value to the lives of others and then forging it into existence out of thin air. This is the next level of creating opportunity and heightens the sense of molding one’s own destiny even further.
On top of using the incredible power of creation to manifest something of value to others, the creation also has to be monetized. The creator must engage with potential customers to make an exchange for money. This combination of creating something and then selling it results in an amazing level of personal satisfaction.
I once came across a definition of neurosis that described it as feeling out of touch with one’s own sense of power. If that’s true, and I think it makes a lot of sense, then pursuits where one eats what they kill are the ultimate cure for neurosis. It’s important to nurture the killer instinct regularly for well being. It doesn’t have to involve actual hunting or killing. The idea is just to go out into the world and pursue what you want.
I’ll never forget the first sale I made when I published my ebook. That experience was a true natural high. It hooked me on the idea of putting my creativity into the world in an exchange of value for money. The fire it lit under me was something my day job could never come close to. It proved that I could stop relying on others for my living if I work hard enough at my ideas until one or two take off.
Sharpen Your Blade By Eating What You Kill
If you’re feeling uninspired, apathetic, lacking direction, or perhaps even neurotic, try creating something and selling it. Just think of things you would personally like to buy to come up with ideas. Then make one of those ideas a reality. Write the book, formulate the supplement, design the online course. At the very least, setting a goal and accomplishing it is good for the soul and gives momentum. Even if the idea isn’t a huge success the first time the experience will still be positive. And at best, it might turn into income and deep personal satisfaction. This is a great way to start being in control of your destiny.
Different people will thrive in different ways. Among billions of people there will be a lot of variety and not everyone is a hunter. But in many ways our ancestries have some common themes. One of which is survival in a harsh world, and a survival instinct. An instinct that thrives on action and doesn’t sit back and rely on luck. I was once told it’s far better to create your own luck than wait for it. This is the essence of eating what you kill.
I’m often thankful that my health stuttered a bit at a young age. It’s what set my pursuit of health discovery in motion. Well before any true sickness had a chance to take hold and I still had a long runway to course correct. In a culture where the quest for true health is clouded with misinformation, it’s often necessary to use trial and error to find the correct approach to health and healing. To search, experiment, and use common sense until we find what works for us. Whether it’s diet, strength, fitness, healing illness, mentality, spirituality. It’s hard work, so this search is often started out of necessity and adversity. Some circumstance of event that wakes one up and provides a bit of a slap in the face. After all, if one is feeling fine they aren’t likely to question what they’ve been doing. As a person finds methods of healing and optimizing that work for them, they start to see improvements. It’s addicting to feel and look better every day. Those who have experienced this upward progression understand the way it can hook a person. Suddenly they have a passion that drives them every day. No matter what else is happening in life. And unlike addictions that are destructive, it is quite possibly the most constructive addiction there is. In my experience this makes it the ultimate cure for depression and apathy.
This is how I’ve been living for about five years now. Highly dedicated to feeling the best I can possibly feel. Which eventually morphed into a dedication to seeing what I’m truly capable of mentally and physically as well. Seeking out the limits of my potential so I can be as successful as possible in life. Through a foundation of health optimization focusing on diet, sleep, training, consuming empowering information and entertainment, etc. And nothing else takes precedence over this because this makes every other aspect of life better.
It’s A Daily Mission
A mission of self optimization takes us higher with each step
I wake up every day looking forward to my journey. To gaining a bit more of an edge. I literally can’t wait to see how I’m going to feel and function that day. And that excitement helps me get through every roadblock I’ve dealt with the past few years. Not only does improved nutrition make the body and mind more resilient and more at ease. But having a daily mission based around self love is something that helps overcome any loss, stress, or adversity. Today might feel shitty for whatever reason, but tomorrow is another day to become stronger and thrive. When it feels like there isn’t much else to live for or look forward to, this is always there to keep a person moving onward and upward.
And that makes it a lot easier to simply get some sleep tonight at the very least. Instead of reaching for substances to clear the mind. It puts me at ease to know that I’m consistently nourishing myself deeply. Making the most of the gifts I’ve been blessed with. And knowing that I’ve come to possess the knowledge of how to do so through hard work and determination fills me with gratitude. It creates a distinct mental edge. It gives me something to shoot towards in the midst of anything unpleasant. And for me this has been the ultimate cure for depression.
Taking On The Causes Of Depression
In my own experience, depression has a couple of root causes. One is physical health imbalances. Since our brains and guts are physical structures that react to physical inputs. The other is feeling a lack of purpose and direction. Being out of touch with one’s own sense of power. I’m not suggesting these are the only causes, but these are the causes I’ve dealt with.
Outside circumstances can then trigger the blues very easily if one isn’t set up for resiliency. Negative emotions can also creep in for no reason at all when the biochemistry is broken.
However, any proper form of self betterment tackles these issues directly. By finding the best ways to nourish our bodies and minds down to the core. And by having a goal of being better today than yesterday. Even when life feels like it’s spinning out of control, this is something that is always within one’s direct influence. Even when a person is on hard times they can decide what they will and won’t consume. Beef and butter only cost a few dollars the same as junk food. And it doesn’t cost a penny to go down to the park and do some pushups and pullups. This knowledge is like an anchor in stormy seas. At least it has been for me. And knowing that lever is always within reach keeps a person in touch with the source of their personal power. The personal power that comes from actively and consciously making executive decisions for oneself. It builds a mindset that doesn’t wait for and rely on outside luck and forces to change life for the better. It’s proactive.
The Power Of Simplicity
It sounds very simple, but the simple things are often the most effective. Occam’s razor wins again. Find a few ways to get stronger every day. Then pursue them tenaciously and diligently. It’s amazing how effective this can be for keeping the mind and the spirit strong. For me, it’s the ultimate cure for depression. And it prevents apathy in all areas of life by consistently building will power and a sense of direct control.
I live in a major U.S. metropolitan area. I’m surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people. Yet I connect with very few of them. It’s not that I prefer to be a lone wolf. I’m just on a rare and unusual path, and there aren’t a lot of people who understand my way of living or the things that drive me. Rather than compromise my goals, preferences, and ability to maneuver, I’ll choose to roam the forest alone most of the time. Because self containment is power.
I build more strength when I maintain a very high level of personal freedom. I’m able to consistently do all of the things that increase my level of health, brain function, and well being. I can spend all of the time I want to advance my place in the world and work towards financial independence. I can dedicate myself to projects that will add value to my life.
Self containment also insulates a person a bit from the things happening around them. I’m not saying not to participate in others’ lives. But when a person has their own vision, mission, routine, values, self discipline, inner satisfaction, etc., they have a focus and a sense of center regardless of what is happening to other people in their life.
When someone no longer looks for direction, contentment and acceptance from outside of oneself, the possibilities for finding a unique path are greatly increased as well. The crab bucket is a very hard place to be a fierce individual. Not that it can’t be done, but it’s difficult. And the inner voice of wisdom and guidance gets muffled when a person doesn’t spend sufficient time alone cultivating it.
Not to mention excessive socializing wastes quite a bit of time. Not all socializing, just in excess. No matter how fun it might be, this is just the truth. And it often boils down to avoiding loneliness and boredom. Day drinking and video game marathons might be good times and good distractions, but unfortunately they aren’t extremely productive
Don’t get me wrong; this is not about judging others. Quite frankly, I don’t care too much about what others do if they aren’t bothering me. And when the masses are going with the general flow, they make it easier to stand out. For me it’s simply about being able to stay true to my own path by retaining the requisite amount of independence. Sometimes this requires some sacrifices and having the mental fortitude to move against the grain. But it’s worth it because self containment is power.
Self Realization Through Self Containment
One interpretation of the word pride is self love. Some consider a prideful person to be conceited, and perhaps some pride isn’t justified. But a person who has worked hard to achieve their goals and truly fulfilled their potential (and perhaps helped others with theirs along the way) has every right to be be proud. That’s because they’ve made the most of what they were given which really is the ultimate form of self love and personal power.
Author and radio personality Earl Nightingale used to say that success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal. When a person is self contained it is easier to stay dedicated to this progressive realization. To have the space to continue working towards difficult goals that take time, dedication, and patience.
This progressive realization prevents depression and apathy. A person on a mission is always excited and wishing for more hours in the day. They don’t wait for things to happen around them because they always have something to do. This leads to a healthy mind and well being. Which leads to even greater creativity, productivity, and self realization. It’s a very potent feedback loop and is another way self containment builds power.
So Does Self Containment Mean Not Having Friends?
Let’s not be so black and white.
When self contained, it’s actually easier to create a network of other strong and unique individuals. So yes, it’s possible to be self contained and still be part of a community. And this type of community is less prone to the pecking order and catty bullshit of the common social clique.
I have some close friends who are fiercely independent and we do enjoy connecting, sharing ideas, and working on the occasional project. For instance, I’ve begun talking to an old friend about learning to hunt this next year. Not exactly empty gossip over mimosa brunch. The idea is self improvement, life changing experience, and pushing each other. This is different than simply avoiding loneliness, boredom, or the deafening roar of one’s own meandering thoughts.
These friendships don’t require constant attention and maintenance. These friends don’t feel hurt or let down if we don’t talk every day. We can go many months without talking and not miss a beat. And we can easily retain and respect our individuality around one another. In other words, they’re true friendships.
We’re all working on our respective missions. And when we reconnect we have greater treasures to share with one another because we’ve been focused. Immersed in action, taking notes, and gathering knowledge.
My good friends have all been leaders in their lives. In sports, business, education, etc. And they take responsibility to be the leaders of their own lives as well. They’re intelligent and sociable, but they’re mission focused more than socially focused. Our socializing is a byproduct of working on something together, but it’s still great interaction. And perhaps a bit of ball busting.
Self Containment In Romantic Connections
Nobody wants a romantic partner who is needy. In particular, women find this to be a repulsive quality in a man. Naturally, they want a man who is a bulwark against life’s adversity and has the will power to influence the world around him. Someone who can make things happen and move through the ups and downs without melting into a puddle.
A self contained man is able to handle the situations that come his way because he takes responsibility for everything in his life. And if a woman walks away from him he still has a mission to focus on. A place to put his attention to create forward motion and continue bettering himself. Instead of wallowing over loss. This is yet another way self containment is power. And this state of being will make any person more attractive.
Also, two self contained people who have a loving relationship can be more collaborative. Rather than sitting on the couch all night every night watching Netflix, arguing over petty nonsense, and struggling over what to have for dinner. A man with a clear mission will provide a mission for the woman in his life as well. To support him in his self realization that will benefit them both. This foundation of mutually beneficial missions lays the groundwork for a healthy relationship.
Becoming Self Contained
Again, becoming self contained doesn’t necessarily imply being a total loner or recluse. To a great extent it simply means being more immune to outside forces. By having a vision and going after it tirelessly no matter what anyone else says.
Becoming self contained isn’t something that everyone will want to do. A lot of times it requires saying no to people, and some people are terrible at this because they just want to please others and feel included. But the willingness to say no and deal with the consequences allows a person to realize much greater personal growth and development. So a first step in becoming self contained is simply not giving a shit what anyone else thinks.
It is also very helpful to develop a mission based around development of the self. Once a person starts developing personal power though the things they choose to do and consume (or not do and consume), it becomes addictive. This is self realization kicking in. It triggers greater desire for self containment, and that self containment then triggers more growth and development.
Something that goes hand in hand with this is a desire to be great and do great things. Insist on greatness. Own it. Ignore inner and outer voices that aim to push you towards the comfort of the middle of the bell curve. Even if it means feeling like an outsider sometimes.
Embrace self containment, even when it can be difficult. Connect with others who do the same. And reap the benefits.
I’ve recently started hiking in the mountains wearing a weight vest. I’ve gone a handful of times and I’ve found it to be very effective general conditioning. I recently wrote an article about how running barefoot in the sand is great for strengthening the feet. And I wish I could run in the sand on a regular basis. However most of the time I don’t live anywhere near the beach. That said, I find hiking with a weight vest to be a pretty good substitute. It really does build my feet and the stabilizer muscles and tendons in my lower legs in some similar ways.
I actually got this idea from another hiker I saw in a weight vest. Guy who said he was doing it to get ready for a back country hunting trip. In case he had to pack out a load of meat. Looked like a great idea to me. So I decided to give it a try.
Wow, I was shocked at the dynamic it added to a casual hike. My calves were burning nicely on a relatively tame uphill section. Also, after a few miles I could really feel the small muscles in my feet and my soleus muscles. The tendons and ligaments around my ankles were noticeably worked out as well from stabilizing the extra weight while walking over rocks and uneven terrain.
But perhaps the biggest surprise was how much of a workout I got in my trapezius muscles and upper back in general. Not to mention my entire rib cage. It’s easy to overlook the fact that a weight vest presses down from both the front and back until one’s breathing picks up. Even though I’m used to a heavy backpack this is quite a different sensation. It’s appreciably harder to breathe with a decent weight pressing in on the sternum. But it seems to really work the diaphragm and muscles of the upper torso. The next morning my traps were the most sore part of my body. Not my legs.
Loading The Vest
My vest weighs 50 lbs. fully loaded. But the first time I went out I stripped it down to 25 lbs. Figured I’d start light and work up. Turns out 25 lbs. was more than plenty to start with. And it’s better to add weight next time than to accidentally bite off more than you can chew first time out.
I’ve been a few more times and I’ve been adding more weight each time. I’m able to increase by 2.5 lb. increments with my vest setup. The last time I used 35 lbs. total as my body has started to adapt to this particular workout. And next time I plan on going up to 40 lbs. Looking forward to loading up with the full 50 lbs. sometime soon.
And as the weight gets heavier I work the stabilizer muscles in my lower legs even more. There’s a distinct difference in that regard as I add weight. My feet, calves, shins, and even knees have started feeling bulletproof as I increase the load of my vest.
Not to mention my glutes and hamstrings really feel the extra resistance when I’m walking uphill with more weight. These are the same muscles that are used for sprinting, and I must say that last time I sprinted I felt a lot of power and snap from my posterior chain.
Who Can Benefit From Hiking In A Weight Vest
I realize not everyone lives near hilly trails in the mountains where hiking with a weight vest is an option. But I suspect that even walking a few miles down a flat road would lend some of the same benefits.
Hiking with a weight vest is an interesting combination of low key cardio and strength. The cardio aspect really isn’t intense enough to be detrimental to a strength program in my opinion. This isn’t long distance running that is highly catabolic, and the extra weight keeps the pace in check. But it still gets the heart rate up. And the increased hip/knee angles from walking uphill with extra weight makes it more of a strength builder than jogging. I’d suggest it as a decent option for conditioning and GPP for anyone in the midst of trying to build muscle and gain strength.
And I’d have to imagine it would still be good training for long distance athletes as well. I’m definitely going to go for a rare trail run soon to test out my stronger feet and ankles for fun.
Final Thoughts
One idea I had last time I went out, but haven’t tried yet is stopping my hike periodically to do a few squats and good mornings in the vest to mix things up and work in a little light weight active recovery from heavy lifting. Just get some extra blood flow in my lifting muscles.
That’s really all I have to say about hiking in a weight vest. Mostly just wanted to highlight it as a training possibility for any type of athlete. I honestly think anyone could benefit from the unique strength and conditioning it builds through the body, from the neck down to the feet. Please comment if you’ve had any experience hiking in a weight vest!
We’re living in an age of 2+2=5. Or at least many people would like to think so. And they just might throw a fit if you point out that they’re wrong. But 2+2=4, and it always will. Because truth is objective.
That said, how is it that so many people live in a world of nonsense and lies these days? And why is it that confronting them with the truth causes them to come unhinged and melt down? How is it that we’ve gotten to a point where people are not only allowed to interpret reality any way they want, but they’re actually rewarded for it like good little pets? As long their interpretation meets approval of course.
If you haven’t noticed, up has become down and down has become up in a staggering number of ways. And the madness is thoroughly institutionalized. My point for writing this post isn’t to talk about specific lies people are indulging in today. My reason for undertaking this blog project was to sort out my thoughts. To find direction through writing and perhaps put some actionable advice and food for thought out into the world. To focus on people getting stronger regardless of personal beliefs, and not to talk too much about politics and culture.
But in the spirit of being our best, I still think it’s worth pointing out that people all around us are indeed indulging in complete and utter lies. Because this is the opposite of becoming one’s best. That’s why I bring it up. And a huge number of seemingly normal people don’t seem phased by it, even if they don’t fully participate. If you’re wondering what the hell I’m talking about you may be one of them.
But for those who know what I’m talking about, it’s evident everywhere. Clear signs that people are being led astray from the truth. Certain objective realities have become clouded to the point that people live in complete and utter denial that they exist. Despite being able to see them with their own eyes should they want to. Or even worse, they’ve been weaponized by any means necessary to hide the fact that truth is objective.
For anyone looking to sharpen their proverbial blade, what better place to start than rejecting lies and embracing the truth? Even if it means taking some heat. In fact, that might hone one’s edge even further.
The Sky Is Blue
These days, people are told “speak your truth”. By celebrities, by politicians, by professors. As if everyone can have their own truth. One person can believe the sky is blue, another can believe it’s red, and yet another yellow.
Any sane person knows these three beliefs can’t all be true. Truth is objective, and the sky is only one color.
If I decide that “my truth” is a world without gravity, will I just float away? Of course not, but I might still form an angry mob to attack anyone who rightly and logically claims it isn’t possible.
What if I want to eat donuts for breakfast, lunch and dinner and also be muscular, healthy, and free from sickness? After all, it’s my truth so I “feel” it should be possible. Tough shit…
In a world of cause and effect, an ability to see the objective truth is strength. Because it keeps one focused on causes that bring positive effects.
The Danger Of Indulging In Lies
On the flip side, indulging in lies is problematic in numerous ways. On both micro and macro levels.
For individuals, denial of the truth is often denial of the aforementioned cause and effect in one’s life. It should be obvious how this is a problem. A person takes no responsibility for their health and diet and wonders how they end up fat and diabetic. Somebody decides to play video games morning, noon, and night, and can’t figure out why they never seem to go on any dates.
From a larger scale perspective, a growing denial of the truth can lead to widespread manipulation by the powers that be. A person who will believe one lie will believe others. A million people who believe a lie will believe others as well. And on it goes. There is also a potential for conflict when enough people believe insidious lies. Because truth is obvious to those paying attention. And truth, as well as truth seekers, will ultimately push back the more the lies and liars try to assert themselves and twist reality. From what I can see, the truth tellers are a much stronger and smarter lot as well.
The Good News For Truth Seekers
The ranks of truth tellers is growing it seems. People who are tired of the insanity being shoved down their throats. People who want to know how things really are and really work. Who refuse to accept sickness, weakness, degeneracy, and downright lunacy as facts of life and use every day as a chance to shed them all.
There may seem to be some pitfalls facing truth tellers these days. Telling the truth can be a dangerous act when so many have been programmed to lash out against it.
But there is also a bright side. Telling the truth is a heroic act. And it isn’t terribly hard to differentiate oneself from the herd these days – just tell it like it is and don’t back down.
In the pursuit of personal strength, the truth is an excellent foundation. Because the truth is not open to interpretation and will always guide one down the correct path.
The company I work for is moving offices after seven plus years. We’ve been in a pretty cool historic building downtown. Early 20th century renovated warehouse, exposed brick, big wood beams. But the company has grown and so has the number of employees. So it’s time to move. We’re not going far, and that’s not really the point. The point is that I used to feel nostalgic for everything. Even things that weren’t altogether pleasant or happy. But as I left that building for the last time today, I noticed that I didn’t have any nostalgia. Zero. As I noticed my new and unusual lack of nostalgia it got me to thinking about why. And how nostalgia is weakness. Like having our feet stuck in concrete.
I’m not sure why changes in life phases used to cause these feelings in me. Instead of just being able to see things for what they are and stay objective. The anticipation of change leading up to something new. And projecting a deep longing for something before it’s even gone.
Granted, some changes are much larger than others. Moving offices isn’t really a true life change of any sort. Yet I still had a lot of experiences in that physical space. Good and bad. And forged a lot of relationships, skills, and knowledge there. I was there pretty much every weekday for almost a fifth of my life. Normally digging up those kinds of roots would make me nostalgic. But why?
Losing Touch With The Present Moment
It’s a bit cliche, but nostalgia really comes down to not being present. It’s a mixture of fixating on the past and projecting a future feeling onto letting go of something that has been part of our life.
Even a fucking office building. Like I said, nostalgia is weakness.
And I remember losing a bike once that I’d ridden for years, and being legitimately upset that I’d never ride it again. An inanimate object!
Nostalgia is an inability to accept WHAT IS without inner conflict. And sometimes it feels like being stuck as things around us move forward.
I digress, but I was pleasantly surprised at how stoic I felt leaving the office today. No looking around one more time. No trying to absorb the moment. It seemed like a sign of a positive internal switch of some sort. Evidence that I’m able to be more present. And I think it comes down to a few things.
Health Creates a Balanced And Stable Mind
My health has been optimized to the point where my mental state is very steady. I just don’t have the ups and downs in my mood any more. And I believe it’s been long enough since I got my silver amalgam dental fillings removed that my body has finally purged a decent amount of mercury from my body. Mercury is known to amplify emotions.
My entire being, mental and physical, was out of balance for years. It’s no wonder that my mind overreacted to certain situations in my life. And that I had a hard time moving from one phase to another seamlessly. It always seemed like way too big a deal. Having to find the internal resources to move into the unknown felt daunting.
Now that I’ve been eating a super low carbohydrate, high healthy fat diet, I’ve watched my mind settle down significantly. I can observe my thoughts and rein them in with ease when they used to spin out of control. It’s clear to me now that even if I was relatively high functioning, I lived the first forty-one years of my life in a state of metabolic imbalance (not to mention insidious heavy metal toxicity). I was just never meant to be eating a lot of sugar and carbohydrates.
This newfound control over my mind and emotional states became very obvious to me today. It made me realize that a decidedly flimsy emotion like nostalgia is weakness. Especially over little things.
Having the energy, mental clarity, and cognitive strength to easily take on new situations, and adapt smoothly, causes a feeling of lightness. No more heavy weight to drag around.
A Deep Sense Of Direction And Meaning
I’ve also found a sense of purpose lately. For years I’ve known I don’t want to be doing the work I do, but I never knew what else to do instead. I always had ideas but they would never stick and there was always some aspect to them that was a deal breaker. Something that wasn’t in alignment with my personal goals. Something that derailed me from making the change.
But through writing this blog and doing some honest reflection it occurred to me that my unique combination of experiences, skills, and challenges I’ve overcome blend together into a body of knowledge and a way of looking at the world that I want to share. So I have projects in mind, and specific things I want to accomplish. I plan to present them here in time.
Regardless of what comes of it all, the simple fact of seeing a path in front of me and a way to contribute to the world in a meaningful way makes me feel far more resilient than in the past.
It’s not just a change at work that brought this to my attention either. I realized that I also had no sadness at the end of a recent to trip to Florida. Historically when a vacation would end and I knew I was going back to the grind I’d get an extreme case of the blues. Not to mention that same feeling used to creep in every Sunday evening.
Now I literally don’t care, and never get those feelings. I feel stable and unemotional about these silly things. And it’s because I feel strong as an ox, full of energy, sharp mentally, and on a mission. Even just knowing that tomorrow is another day to feed myself well and get stronger is enough of a mission itself to keep my focus on the things are truly important. No matter what else is going on in my life, I get excited to work on the things and projects that are in my control. That drowns out any unpleasant mental noise.
A Few Other Factors
I’ve also been thinking today about how outside influences can trigger the ego to feel pain. Certain societal, cultural, and environmental factors.
The ego prefers drama and unpleasant feelings over being stable and un-phased. So my ego no doubt played a part in my past struggles to let go of certain things in my life, big or small. If that isn’t proof that nostalgia is weakness I’m not sure what is. An unhelpful, pre-programmed disposition to get stuck in the past and future simultaneously. I used to indulge in music and movies that triggered those feelings as well. I loved it every time American Pie came on the jukebox while I was drinking at bars in college. A song about longing for the past mixed with alcohol fueling a deep angst. For some reason I wallowed in it like a pig in shit. “A long, long time ago…I can still remember…” Never again.
I know other people in my life who get very nostalgic. And they tend to love sad songs and sad movies. The entertainment industry knows this and they know it sells. Deep emotions, even sad ones, are highly addictive to the ego and it’s hard for people to overcome. Assuming they even see it in themselves in the first place.
But I’ve pretty much stopped watching movies altogether the past couple of years. And sad songs irritate me now so I simply don’t listen to them.
This illustrates a point. That by not indulging in artificially induced feelings of nostalgia on a regular basis, we forget how to feel that way on some level. I seem to have forgotten. It’s a learned pattern of behavior. Some patterns can be good, but I really don’t think that’s the case for nostalgia. Nostalgia is weakness as far as I’m concerned. It’s much better to build patterns of mental stability, resilience, and persistent forward motion based on action in the present. To learn how to flow like a river, and not get pent up behind a dam.
Nostalgia Is Unproductive
Ultimately I’m just glad that I seem to have shed the tendency for nostalgia. It’s a terribly unproductive emotion. It feels awful to me now because nostalgia is weakness and I don’t like feeling weak. As a man it doesn’t feel masculine to do too much longing. And no, I don’t believe masculinity and being a bit stoic are toxic. They’re useful states of being for men in a world that’s dog eat dog whether we like it or not.
Nostalgia seems to make life’s times and events appear more profound and important. And it might seem worthy to honor the things we’ve been through. I’m not suggesting there is never a place for missing people and experiences from our past. But too much attachment to those things also keeps people stuck. Even in ways they might not see. Like the friend who just can’t move on from high school.
So I now see that nostalgia is weakness. Physical, emotional, mental, or all of the above. By learning how to shed nostalgic tendencies, we learn how to shed other unproductive thought patterns as well. I think that opens up a lot more room to feel excited about other things. And that just seems like a better use of time and energy.
I still haven’t tried the full-blown carnivore diet for myself. I plan to at some out of curiosity though because it seems to be popping up constantly these days. And the purported benefits are hard to ignore. Proponents argue that the carnivore diet is healthier because vegetables aren’t really as good for us as we’re led to believe. That they are full of what are called anti-nutrients. Phytates, lectins, oxalates, tannins, gluten, and other substances that plants produce as a defense mechanism against being eaten. After all, plants are in the procreation game as well. And they want to give animals and insects a reason not to eat them. But for those who still want to eat plants there is a potential solution to this issue. Pressure cookers reduce anti-nutrients in plant foods.
Old Fashioned Pressure Cooker
Yes, the pressure cooker you might have seen your grandmother using. Electric versions are now available, but I use the old fashioned kind.
It’s a pot with a lid that locks on and holds steam inside with a rubber gasket seal. Steam builds pressure inside the cooker as it heats up and any water begins to boil. There is a nozzle on top of the lid that allows steam to escape. But one places a small weight called a regulator over the nozzle to keep a certain amount of steam and pressure inside the cooker. Once the pressure inside the cooker is strong enough it will overcome the weight of the regulator. Then a small amount of steam will begin to escape and rock the regulator back and forth. But just a little bit gets out and there is still quite a lot of pressure inside the cooker. Different weight regulators result in different amounts of pressure. Hence the name.
The high pressure environment raises the boiling point of water and the increased heat cooks food very quickly.
The Problems With Anti-Nutrients
Back to anti-nutrients. As mentioned, these substances are essentially defense mechanisms for plants. If animals and insects eat a plant and the anti-nutrients it contains cause some sort of harm to the animals and insects, they’re less likely to eat that plant again. As a result the plants have a greater chance of reproducing.
A full-blown rundown of anti-nutrients can be found here. That’s not the real purpose of this article. But it’s worth knowing what they are and what they can do. Some of the primary issues with anti-nutrients are that they can block absorption of minerals and protein in the gut by binding to them, cause gastrointestinal problems and distress, contribute to leaky gut, block digestive enzymes, and even exert estrogen-like effects.
It’s worth noting that they are found in larger quantities in grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts than in vegetables. Even so, ancient cultures from all around the world have historically used methods such as fermenting and sprouting to reduce anti-nutrients in all types of plants. They discovered that different methods of preparation made certain plants easier to eat and digest.
It’s also worth pointing out that some anti-nutrients like polyphenols have health benefits. Still, in large enough quantities they can block absorption of nutrients.
Pressure Cooker Benefits When Cooking Plants
Clearly anti-nutrients aren’t something we want to consume in large quantities. But pressure cookers reduce anti-nutrients. And it’s a cooking method that saves time from having to ferment and sprout all of the vegetables we eat. Personally I avoid most foods that have high anti-nutrient content in the first place by eating a low carb diet. Even so, when I cook vegetables like cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale, etc., I always use my pressure cooker.
This study showed that pressure cooking reduced phytates and trypsin inhibitors in cowpeas better than boiling. On the flip side it also showed that pressure cooking reduced the loss of ascorbic acid content in the cowpeas. Which is a good thing since ascorbic acid is a nutrient we want.
Another study showed that pressure cooking beans soaked overnight reduced the phytic acid content 54%. Boiling soaked beans only reduced the phytic acid 29%. This was a much larger reduction anti-nutrient content.
And this study also showed reduced losses of ascorbic acid and beta-carotene (beneficial nutrients) when spinach and amaranth leaves were pressure cooked instead of being blanched in an open pan.
So not only does pressure cooking reduce anti-nutrients, but it helps retain beneficial nutrients. All cooking methods will reduce beneficial nutrients to some extent because they all exceed temperature thresholds that cause this to happen. But because pressure cooks food more quickly, the shorter cooking time preserves more healthful nutrients despite higher temperatures caused by the pressure.
Some Final Thoughts
Anyone eating plant foods is dealing with anti-nutrients to some extent. People eating ketogenic or low carb are likely eating a pretty minimal amounts. These diets are low in grains and legumes. But for anyone not eating a strict carnivore diet with zero plant foods, pressure cookers reduce anti-nutrients and are a straight-forward way to reduce exposure to anti-nutrients in plant foods.
Let’s talk about maca side effects. Despite the purported benefits and many success stories, some people have adverse reactions to this herb. I’d like to share my personal experiences with maca because I’ve experienced both some great benefits and some rough patches. And I believe I’ve found a way to work through the side effects to receive the positive effects.
I’ll explain below why I don’t think people should be scared off by maca side effects. They’re often signs to simply change the way one is using this superfood. And I believe there are at least some things to try before writing it off completely.
What Is Maca?
For those who don’t know, maca is a cruciferous root vegetable that grows in the Andes Mountains at very high altitudes. Between 12,500-14,400 in fact. It looks a bit like a small turnip. And it has sort of a butterscotch flavor. Some people seem to find the flavor repulsive. I personally don’t mind it and it’s easy to mask in a smoothie with some cinnamon and raw cacao. From what I’ve seen it’s almost always available as powder, either raw or gelatinized. Gelatinization is a process that removes some of the startch and makes it more digestible.
Maca has been a common food in Peru for millennia and is often consumed there on a daily basis. It also grows in a variety of colors including yellow, red and black among others. Some people claim the different colors have different effects, while others claim that’s all marketing hoopla and doesn’t make a difference. I honestly have no idea who is right, so everyone should try different brands and varieties and find out for themselves.
Personally I have the most experience with premium gelatinized black maca root from a supplier called The Maca Team (no affiliation). I’ll get into that more later.
Maca Benefits
The benefits of maca are numerous and include:
Increased energy and stamina
Increased fertility
Hormonal balance and estrogen detoxification
Boost in libido
Improved mood
Better cognitive function
Healthy hair and skin
Muscle building and weight gain
High in antioxidants and vitamins/minerals
An adaptogenic herb for dealing with stress
Reported Maca Side Effects
Excessive maca consumption combined with low iodine can cause goiter (this is potentially true of any cruciferous vegetable on some level…I personally supplement with kelp to get iodine and avoid this issue)
Upset stomach
Increased heart rate
Anxiety or jittery feelings
It should be noted that maca is a vegetable and doesn’t pose any real dangers of any sort. In my experience, any adverse effects pass rather quickly.
Why I Originally Tried Maca Root & My Experiences
I’m a man who likes to lift heavy and cultivate my masculinity. So I was very much interested in maca for it’s purported benefits of optimizing hormone levels, muscle building, and increased fertility and libido.
Admittedly I haven’t had my hormone levels checked in a bit, so I have no testing information to confirm before and after effects of maca on hormonal balance. All I have is anecdotal evidence. But I’ll say that I do feel a bit of extra swagger in my step. And assuming maca really does lower estrogen, this would seem to be a huge benefit in our modern environment that bombards us with exogenous estrogen.
While taking maca I have a tendency to feel a tad more aggressive and assertive. Maca isn’t known to increase overall testosterone levels. But it is suspected that it might increase levels of free testosterone and DHT due to its diindolylmethane content. Allowing the body to actually use more testosterone, more easily.
I don’t look like I take steroids because I never have. Nor do I use any sort of bodybuilding supplements geared towards aesthetics. But at 41 it’s possible to look thick and lean, be strong and athletic, and be pain free as a result of barbell lifting, proper movement, a low carb diet, plenty of good animal fat, and a few food-based supplements like maca.
My workouts are also great when using maca. That could be related to the hormonal benefits, but also the energy boosting benefits. Either way, my workouts have been strong while taking maca and my body weight is on the higher side for me. I look thick and lean considering I primarily lift for strength and performance and I’ve never taken steroids. This could all be influenced by other confounding factors in my diet, but maca certainly isn’t hurting.
Regarding libido and fertility, I definitely feel the boost. It’s subtle but it’s there. Just a stronger desire towards the fairer sex. Not sure how else to put it. If you know the feeling you know the feeling. I’ve also noticed solid bedroom performance as well as consistent morning wood (or middle of the night wood). Woodies are also lasting longer without stimulation. This all may be related to the glucosinolates and isothiocyanates in maca.
In addition, I’ve noticed I have a more positive outlook and a more fearless attitude towards life. Like a lion prowling around the city streets. And though it’s hard to pinpoint this to one thing, especially given benefits I’ve experienced from diet changes, my energy has been good. I’ll take that all day long.
All that said, my maca experiment hasn’t been 100% smooth sailing.
A Few Bumps In The Road
Let’s get back to maca side effects.
When I first started taking maca, I felt great for about a week. I bought some organic maca from the health food store and I slowly ramped up my consumption. Then I started to feel unusually irritable. I kept at it for several more days but finally put two and two together. The maca was affecting my mood. I felt a rage inside at other drivers on the road and wanted to yell at co-workers.
So I took a break. And within a day my mental state was back to normal.
About a week later I tried adding maca back into my morning fat-bomb smoothie. And it went well. I felt the positive benefits again. And I’ve never quite felt that same level of irritability from it since.
Then I bought the aforementioned gelatinized black maca powder because black maca is supposed to be great for muscle building, male fertility, etc. I must say that this stuff is really potent.
I started slow but was eventually taking 9 grams a day. Which is a lot given gelatinized maca is more concentrated. And I started to develop some side effects as the active compounds built up in my body.
I definitely had an increased heart rate most of the morning every morning. Granted I was taking maca right after drinking coffee, but it was a noticeable increase and coffee alone doesn’t have that effect on me.
My body temperature was clearly higher as well. I was sweating more and experiencing hot flashes. Not saying that’s a bad thing, as this can be a symptom of decreasing estrogen levels. And we all have too much estrogen these days from polluted air and water, BPA everywhere, etc. But a racing heart while overheating a bit isn’t altogether pleasant.
Then I’d often take more maca at lunch. And in the afternoons I’d occasionally get a bit if free floating anxiety. Can never say for sure if it was the maca or not, but when I decided to take another break that seemed to subside.
I also had a few very restless nights while taking high doses of maca where sleep didn’t come easily. This also stopped whenever I stopped maca temporarily.
Did My Maca Side Effects Convince Me To Give It Up?
I see people all over the internet talking about how maca just isn’t for them. It gave them maca side effects so they just stopped using it immediately and never started again.
Personally, I’ve been liking the benefits too much to give it up completely.
So the last time I started taking maca again after a break of a couple weeks, I started with very low doses. Around 500 mg. And I’ve built up over many weeks to 1500 mg. This is half of the minimum recommended dose on the package of the black maca (3g), but it seems to be a good dose for me. Even though I’m 50 lbs. bigger than the 160 lb. person the guidelines were set for. I also take my maca early in the day and don’t take any more after that.
I feel the benefits and really don’t have any side effects at all. So I’m able to make my use more consistent without having to stop for breaks. A moral of the story here is that some people get the benefits of maca with small doses so less can be more. Great – that means I’ll spend less money on maca.
Also, having done some deep nutrition-based healing and detoxification in the past, I know that the road to health improvements can be bumpy. And sometimes what feels like a bad side effect is really a good sign of healing and re-balancing. This is called a healing reaction.
For instance, when the body dumps toxic heavy metals it feels terrible for a day or two. But ultimately it’s worth the unpleasant spell because health improves afterwards.
My suspicion is that what many people see as deal-breaker maca side effects are similar to healing reactions.
If maca detoxifies the body of estrogen and balances hormones, anybody who is estrogen dominant or out of balance in some way is going to feel the effects as the maca helps sort them out. It can’t be expected to be a smooth ride. And deep re-balancing of any sort is going to temporarily affect the mind and mood. But it passes.
Also regarding The Maca Team’s black maca, its power is a testament to its quality. Just isn’t necessary to take copious amounts. At least not for me. So keep in mind that some brands are probably going to be better than others which will affect dosage.
Suggestions For Use
Given all of this background, my suggestion is to start small. Really small. And don’t be in a rush to up the dosage. In time you might be someone who can take very large doses without issue. But in the event you aren’t, you’ll be less likely to experience any unpleasant side effects if you don’t go crazy bumping up the amount you take.
And if you do have side effects, just try taking a week off. And then reintroduce slowly. My experience has been that after a break I seem to tolerate maca better than before and the side effects I had previously are far less severe. If I feel them at all. It’s as if short periods of use followed by breaks has sorted out some issues and then my body is more able to use the beneficial compounds in the maca. I’ve also found my sweet spot dose-wise.
Cycling on and off maca is a common recommendation anyhow. Though I’ve found that a low and steady dose is my preference to heavy doses with breaks. Just personal preference, so try different approaches for yourself.
I Wholeheartedly Recommend Maca
It’s entirely likely that maca might not be for everyone. But once I learned how to work around maca side effects and use it sensibly, the positive impacts have been fantastic. Very welcomed and very noticeable.
And before anybody reads any online reviews that scare them off from trying or continuing the use of maca, keep in mind that sometimes it’s only a matter of finding a dose that works and also easing into maca consumption. There is no one-size-fits-all approach.
Please leave a comment if you’ve had any maca success or maca side effects, or have any questions.